Saturday, March 28, 2020

How to Solve Math Problems With Help?

How to Solve Math Problems With Help?Algebra problems are common in school and most of the students face with this are not able to solve algebra problems with help. The main reason is because they have no idea of algebra, so it is easy for them to misunderstand the equations they are solving. To make math easier for your child, you must learn about algebra so that he can solve the math problems efficiently.Remember that algebra is not difficult but it is rather tough. Like any other math problem, algebra is simply about combining different numbers or quantities to get a new number. So there is an example that needs to be stated in the form of, for example, x+y=z, which is the number of a triangle or a straight line in two dimensions.There are different problems that you may encounter in algebra as you go through the process. Most of the students consider that it is a simple problem. If you want to solve the math problems with help, you need to understand the different kinds of algebr a. It helps in learning the different symbols and symbol sequences, solutions to mathematical problems, and other things.Students have to know that in algebra they have to use symbols to mix various quantities to get a new quantity combination. A student who does not know anything about algebra, can ask for help from a math teacher, but he may not understand how to solve the problems. But the good thing is that there are numerous online math tutorials that helps you in understanding the different algebra symbols and with that you can easily solve the problems.If you want to help your child to solve the algebra problems with help, you need to teach him the right way. First, you need to teach him how to remember the different symbols that represent different quantities.This will help him to remember it easily when asked by you to solve a particular problem. Next, you need to teach him how to find the right place in algebra to combine all the letters to get the result. You can use onli ne tutorials that you can follow step by step, step by step. For instance, in solving the problem of four x 3, you need to multiply the sum and then add the two digits and in addition you need to subtract the left from the result.To help your child with the algebra problems with help, you need to first teach him the basics of mathematics. Then once he understands the basic knowledge of mathematics, you can solve the math problems with help.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Common entrance exams Maths - Test yourself!

Common entrance exams Maths - Test yourself! Entrance exams, 11 +, 13 is the time to start warming your children to practise tests for their next step into BIG school! In preparation for common entrance exams and by courtesy of Galore Park Mathematics revision guides for the ISEB board, we will be regularly posting tests for your children to practise. We invite you to post your comments with your answers! Remember that you should be familiar with all of the material in the National Curriculum. You should also now be able to do the following: Understand fully the four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) and the associated language. Use a range of mental methods of computation with the four operations when solving number problems (including mental recall of multiplication facts up to 10 x 10 and quick derivation of corresponding division facts) Check the reasonableness by your results by reference to your knowledge of the context or to the size of the numbers. Interpret calculator displays. Use efficient written methods of addition and subtraction and of short multiplication and division (including division and subtraction of decimals to two places, and ordering decimals to three places) Use all four with decimals to two places (where multiplication and division are always by a integer less than 10, and rounding to the nearest integer. Use and understand an appropriate non-calculator method for multiplying and three-digit number by any two-digit number. Test yourself! Before moving on to the next chapter, make sure you can answer the following questions: Brian has multiplied 197 x 15 and has written the answer incorrectly as 1182 (courtesy of Galore Park for the ISEB board) Suggest at least two reasons why Brian should realise straight away that his answer is incorrect. What should the answer be? Suggest what error Brian made. Calculate the square of 19 (courtesy of Galore Park for the ISEB board) Which number between 240 and 250 divides exactly by 7? (Courtesy of Galore Park for the ISEB board)

Irvine AP Tutor 4 Reasons You Should Form an AP Study Group

Irvine AP Tutor 4 Reasons You Should Form an AP Study Group Tips from a Private Irvine AP Tutor: 4 Reasons You Should Form an AP Study Group ASAP Tips from a Private Irvine AP Tutor: 4 Reasons You Should Form an AP Study Group ASAP Now that the second semester is in full swing students should be thinking about their AP test prep. Of course, students have been in their AP class the whole year, but now the actual exam is not that far away. Students should be prepared for a full day of testing and prepare themselves for the task at hand by working with their dedicated peers. Unfortunately, many students start their test prep way too late and end up having an anxiety attack over May testing. If students start soon, they can avoid a fair portion of their anxiety through preparation and perseverance dont wait another minute to book your Irvine AP test prep tutor. 1. You know your peers strengths and weaknesses At this point in the school year, it should be clear who is truly dedicated to their AP study and who has developed excellent study skills. Get together with your classmates and look at who can complement one another. For example, perhaps one student is great at analyzing obscure poetry while another has a knack for solving tough calculus problems. Whether youre all in the same course or taking multiple AP courses together, its important to play off each other’s strengths so you can all improve. Remember, the AP exam is graded on a straight scale so it’s possible for everybody to get a 5. 2. Study and review The AP test can cover anything from the entire year as well as from material provided by the College Board. It can be difficult to remember something you learned back in the fall, so its important to split up the tasks of study and review. Attempting to make 500 vocab flashcards is entirely overwhelming for one student but may be possible for a group of five to split. Remembering all of those advanced math formulas might be really tough but, again, when split up between five or six people it wont be that bad. Many students focus on only new material and forget to review. Thus, study groups are essential in this area (READ: Ask a Nerd! Taking the AP Exam). 3. Studying the test prep book AP students are strongly encouraged to get at least one test prep book to help them prepare for the exam. Remember, test prep in any area is its own subject and different from the course itself. Learning to fill in bubbles on an English exam is different from actually knowing English. Test prep will have to be conducted above and beyond content learning. When students work together and study the test prep book they can go through all of the tips and tricks together to figure out how to beat that standardized test. Additionally, many students get frustrated and skip over much of the commentary in their test prep book, much of which contains very useful information. When in a study group, these tasks can be allocated to different members in smaller portions making it easier to complete (READ: SAT and AP Exam Survival Guide). 4. Moral support High school students, especially seniors with other things on their mind, can find it easy to forgo AP study for more exciting activities. However, this can be detrimental to their overall GPA and their college admissions. When students meet once a week or so with their study group they will be holding themselves and each other accountable for any work that needed to get done. Also, when a member of the group is becoming overly stressed out the other members can help by providing moral support and by acting as cheerleaders. Each and every high school student in an AP class will become overwhelmed with the volume of study at some point. Having friends and classmates who are in the same position can be really helpful as a reminder to keep your eye on the prize and remember that an exciting college experience is just around the corner. Get a high score on your AP final with the help of one of our private Irvine AP tutors. Call us today for more information. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us write. Irvine AP Tutor 4 Reasons You Should Form an AP Study Group Tips from a Private Irvine AP Tutor: 4 Reasons You Should Form an AP Study Group ASAP Tips from a Private Irvine AP Tutor: 4 Reasons You Should Form an AP Study Group ASAP Now that the second semester is in full swing students should be thinking about their AP test prep. Of course, students have been in their AP class the whole year, but now the actual exam is not that far away. Students should be prepared for a full day of testing and prepare themselves for the task at hand by working with their dedicated peers. Unfortunately, many students start their test prep way too late and end up having an anxiety attack over May testing. If students start soon, they can avoid a fair portion of their anxiety through preparation and perseverance dont wait another minute to book your Irvine AP test prep tutor. 1. You know your peers strengths and weaknesses At this point in the school year, it should be clear who is truly dedicated to their AP study and who has developed excellent study skills. Get together with your classmates and look at who can complement one another. For example, perhaps one student is great at analyzing obscure poetry while another has a knack for solving tough calculus problems. Whether youre all in the same course or taking multiple AP courses together, its important to play off each other’s strengths so you can all improve. Remember, the AP exam is graded on a straight scale so it’s possible for everybody to get a 5. 2. Study and review The AP test can cover anything from the entire year as well as from material provided by the College Board. It can be difficult to remember something you learned back in the fall, so its important to split up the tasks of study and review. Attempting to make 500 vocab flashcards is entirely overwhelming for one student but may be possible for a group of five to split. Remembering all of those advanced math formulas might be really tough but, again, when split up between five or six people it wont be that bad. Many students focus on only new material and forget to review. Thus, study groups are essential in this area (READ: Ask a Nerd! Taking the AP Exam). 3. Studying the test prep book AP students are strongly encouraged to get at least one test prep book to help them prepare for the exam. Remember, test prep in any area is its own subject and different from the course itself. Learning to fill in bubbles on an English exam is different from actually knowing English. Test prep will have to be conducted above and beyond content learning. When students work together and study the test prep book they can go through all of the tips and tricks together to figure out how to beat that standardized test. Additionally, many students get frustrated and skip over much of the commentary in their test prep book, much of which contains very useful information. When in a study group, these tasks can be allocated to different members in smaller portions making it easier to complete (READ: SAT and AP Exam Survival Guide). 4. Moral support High school students, especially seniors with other things on their mind, can find it easy to forgo AP study for more exciting activities. However, this can be detrimental to their overall GPA and their college admissions. When students meet once a week or so with their study group they will be holding themselves and each other accountable for any work that needed to get done. Also, when a member of the group is becoming overly stressed out the other members can help by providing moral support and by acting as cheerleaders. Each and every high school student in an AP class will become overwhelmed with the volume of study at some point. Having friends and classmates who are in the same position can be really helpful as a reminder to keep your eye on the prize and remember that an exciting college experience is just around the corner. Get a high score on your AP final with the help of one of our private Irvine AP tutors. Call us today for more information. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us write.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

9 Ways to Motivate Yourself to Study

9 Ways to Motivate Yourself to Study Feeling too lazy to even begin studying? Procrastinating when you  know  you should be studying? Read the tips below to stop procrastinating and start studying seriously! Exercise, eat, and rest before studying. To ensure youre able to study to the best of your abilities, take care of your physical needs before you begin. Eat healthy, devote time to exercise, get a power nap to boost your energy. All these things give your mind the best possible opportunity to learn new information. Break down  enormous  tasks into smaller, more manageable ones. As you start to complete all of the smaller tasks on your list, you’ll start to feel like you’re making progress and your motivation for studying  will gradually increase. Listen to music. Music  is a great source of  motivation. The right song with the right lyrics  can  get you powerfully motivated to study. Practice visualizing yourself working on the assignment, organizing your files, getting good  grades. Studies have found that visualization makes a difference to professional athletes’ performance, so why don’t you as a student practice doing it as well? Stop what youre doing and start immediately.  Its easy to tell yourself Ill begin to study in an hour over and over again until youve wasted the entire day. Stop whatever youre doing, go to a quiet, tranquil place where you can focus on what needs to be studied, and get started. Take a time limited approach in which you schedule your tasks. Ask yourself how much can I achieve in the next 2 hours? instead of Can I complete all tasks? In this way you do not get as easily overwhelmed by the volume of study you need to do. Stop sabotaging  yourself by watching  just one more episode of your favorite TV show, playing  just one more video game, posting just one more picture on Instagram, etc. The sooner you start, the sooner youll get things done and the more free time youll have in the long run. Reward yourself! Set yourself a goal  and determine an appropriate reward once the objective is accomplished. By rewarding yourself, whenever a goal is achieved, your brain elicits positive emotions, leading to the realization that an effort results in a positive reward.  It’s really that simple, but so effective! Contact TutorZ  if you feel like you need to find  a good tutor to motivate  and inspire  you. I hope these tips  will help you to understand  how to get motivated to study! 9 Ways to Motivate Yourself to Study Feeling too lazy to even begin studying? Procrastinating when you  know  you should be studying? Read the tips below to stop procrastinating and start studying seriously! Exercise, eat, and rest before studying. To ensure youre able to study to the best of your abilities, take care of your physical needs before you begin. Eat healthy, devote time to exercise, get a power nap to boost your energy. All these things give your mind the best possible opportunity to learn new information. Break down  enormous  tasks into smaller, more manageable ones. As you start to complete all of the smaller tasks on your list, you’ll start to feel like you’re making progress and your motivation for studying  will gradually increase. Listen to music. Music  is a great source of  motivation. The right song with the right lyrics  can  get you powerfully motivated to study. Practice visualizing yourself working on the assignment, organizing your files, getting good  grades. Studies have found that visualization makes a difference to professional athletes’ performance, so why don’t you as a student practice doing it as well? Stop what youre doing and start immediately.  Its easy to tell yourself Ill begin to study in an hour over and over again until youve wasted the entire day. Stop whatever youre doing, go to a quiet, tranquil place where you can focus on what needs to be studied, and get started. Take a time limited approach in which you schedule your tasks. Ask yourself how much can I achieve in the next 2 hours? instead of Can I complete all tasks? In this way you do not get as easily overwhelmed by the volume of study you need to do. Stop sabotaging  yourself by watching  just one more episode of your favorite TV show, playing  just one more video game, posting just one more picture on Instagram, etc. The sooner you start, the sooner youll get things done and the more free time youll have in the long run. Reward yourself! Set yourself a goal  and determine an appropriate reward once the objective is accomplished. By rewarding yourself, whenever a goal is achieved, your brain elicits positive emotions, leading to the realization that an effort results in a positive reward.  It’s really that simple, but so effective! Contact TutorZ  if you feel like you need to find  a good tutor to motivate  and inspire  you. I hope these tips  will help you to understand  how to get motivated to study!

The italki team is taking the Language Challenge to learn Chinese

The italki team is taking the Language Challenge to learn Chinese We are taking the Challenge too! and if we can do it anyone can! The 2015 New Years Language Challenge has begun and were so excited that so many of you have chosen to participate in our biggest challenge ever! 3 of our very own italki Staff have also decided to participate in the New Years Language Challenge to learn Chinese.  All of them have made Public Video Pledges to learn Chinese! Were going to be following their progress on a special italki staff New Years Language Challenge update  page here.  All 3 of our staff will be posting videos and making weekly blog posts about their experiences taking the Language Challenge to learn Chinese. Karthik, Data Scientist Karthik is from the U.S. and works as our Data Scientist.  He has been trying to learn Chinese before with no results. Now he wants to challenge himself to speak with his Chinese colleagues. Josie, Services and Operations Josie recently joined italki from the U.K.  She is part of the Services and Operations team at italki.  She has been to China a few times but has never been disciplined enough to study Mandarin. Aimé, Marketing Intern Aimé is a recent college grad from the Canada who came to Shanghai to do internship at italki. So how much Chinese can they learn in 20 hours? Visit this blog for weekly updates or go directly to the special italki staff Challenge Update page to keep track of their progress!  We also put up a discussion post so you can comment on how well (or poorly they are doing?). The italki team is taking the Language Challenge to learn Chinese We are taking the Challenge too! and if we can do it anyone can! The 2015 New Years Language Challenge has begun and were so excited that so many of you have chosen to participate in our biggest challenge ever! 3 of our very own italki Staff have also decided to participate in the New Years Language Challenge to learn Chinese.  All of them have made Public Video Pledges to learn Chinese! Were going to be following their progress on a special italki staff New Years Language Challenge update  page here.  All 3 of our staff will be posting videos and making weekly blog posts about their experiences taking the Language Challenge to learn Chinese. Karthik, Data Scientist Karthik is from the U.S. and works as our Data Scientist.  He has been trying to learn Chinese before with no results. Now he wants to challenge himself to speak with his Chinese colleagues. Josie, Services and Operations Josie recently joined italki from the U.K.  She is part of the Services and Operations team at italki.  She has been to China a few times but has never been disciplined enough to study Mandarin. Aimé, Marketing Intern Aimé is a recent college grad from the Canada who came to Shanghai to do internship at italki. So how much Chinese can they learn in 20 hours? Visit this blog for weekly updates or go directly to the special italki staff Challenge Update page to keep track of their progress!  We also put up a discussion post so you can comment on how well (or poorly they are doing?). The italki team is taking the Language Challenge to learn Chinese We are taking the Challenge too! and if we can do it anyone can! The 2015 New Years Language Challenge has begun and were so excited that so many of you have chosen to participate in our biggest challenge ever! 3 of our very own italki Staff have also decided to participate in the New Years Language Challenge to learn Chinese.  All of them have made Public Video Pledges to learn Chinese! Were going to be following their progress on a special italki staff New Years Language Challenge update  page here.  All 3 of our staff will be posting videos and making weekly blog posts about their experiences taking the Language Challenge to learn Chinese. Karthik, Data Scientist Karthik is from the U.S. and works as our Data Scientist.  He has been trying to learn Chinese before with no results. Now he wants to challenge himself to speak with his Chinese colleagues. Josie, Services and Operations Josie recently joined italki from the U.K.  She is part of the Services and Operations team at italki.  She has been to China a few times but has never been disciplined enough to study Mandarin. Aimé, Marketing Intern Aimé is a recent college grad from the Canada who came to Shanghai to do internship at italki. So how much Chinese can they learn in 20 hours? Visit this blog for weekly updates or go directly to the special italki staff Challenge Update page to keep track of their progress!  We also put up a discussion post so you can comment on how well (or poorly they are doing?).

Introducing a Parents Tutoring Club to Your Family

Introducing a Parents' Tutoring Club to Your FamilyIf you are a parent who has never sat in on a parents' meeting or who would like to make an impact on the lives of your children, consider joining a tutoring club for your children. This is a great way to bring together parents and teachers, motivate them and provide an excellent opportunity to promote good family relationships. In addition, it provides an excellent way to get a much needed break from the stresses of life.Clubs of parents and teachers can help both to increase the frequency of parent-teacher meetings and to obtain additional resources for your child's education. In addition, it will allow you to create a team atmosphere where your children feel that they are being cared for and valued.Most parents who participate in this type of group know that it is important to spend quality time with their children, often at the end of the day when they can get most out of their day. By joining a tutoring club, you will not only b e giving your children the love and attention they need but you will also have some fun while doing it.Another reason why parents want to attend such a meeting is because they want to provide support to other parents who may be teaching their children at the same time. These meetings provide a great opportunity to build relationships with each other and to develop trust in each other. You will also have the opportunity to take a break from your busy schedule and meet other parents who want to build healthy relationships with their children.You will be able to browse through the tutor's online list, get more information about them and arrange to see if they are available to teach your child. If you do decide to join a tutoring club, you can choose to schedule a first visit for one or two classes. The first session will usually last only half an hour and you will often find that you are very interested in the lessons that the teacher has to offer.After the first session, you will be a ble to continue to visit their site for each succeeding tutor and stay in touch with each person's strengths and weaknesses as you try to develop a good working relationship. Once you have had the opportunity to visit their site and compare the teaching style and philosophy of each tutor, you will probably find that you like and trust most of them.In addition, you will find that your children will often benefit from the shared experiences and relationships that you have developed with your other parent and teacher. In the end, a tutoring club for parents and teachers is an excellent opportunity to provide valuable support and love to children.

How to Find a Good Tutor For Classical Conversations

How to Find a Good Tutor For Classical ConversationsClassical conversations with a tutor is one of the most important skills that you will need to get good grades. It's not just that it'll help you in your studies, but it will also help you in your social life. Let's look at how to find a good tutor who meets your classical conversation needs.Finding a good classical conversation tutor is one of the most important things you will ever have to do. This skill is not something that you are born with, but you have to learn it. One of the best ways to do this is to meet potential tutors and try them out in the real world. So what are some good tips on finding a tutor?One of the best ways to find a good classical conversation tutor is to talk to friends. You may not have met the tutor yet, but they probably know someone who does. Even if they don't you can get a good idea about how well they go with people.Another way is to ask your teacher for recommendations. Chances are that your teache r has a favorite tutor and will be more than happy to recommend that person. This will give you a better feel for how well your tutor will work with other students. So once you know a bit about your tutor, you can start your search.The last way to find a tutor is to go to your college course. Most colleges and universities provide a wide variety of courses. If your college offers classes that are related to your choice of class, you might be able to find a tutor through the course.These aren't the only ways to find a tutor. You might even find a tutor online or in a local bookstore. All you have to do is ask around to see if anyone knows about any tutors.Choosing a tutor for class discussion can be one of the most important decisions you make. If you make the right choices, you will be more likely to get good grades and better social skills.